
Coloring Continued
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Okay my fellow artists, you should now have 2 scans of the same picture in your editing window.  Be sure to have each picture as a seperate LAYER... cause coloring is all about the layers.
Change both layer modes to multiply. Save file in assuming you have the option "photoshop" format (remember, just like in video games, saving is your best friend... and do it very, very often while you work too!).
The inked scan *or the lineart scan without the shading* must always be on the top layer above all the other layers but the position of the shade scan is not really important although if you have a LOT of layers, placement of subsequent layers may be important... but trust me, you will get the hang of it.
Now comes the fun part... for each section of your picture that is a specific color, you should make a seperate layer for it in normal mode and name it appropriately... ie, hair layer or sky layer or blue layers, red layers, steel layers... etc.
For my picture I had a sky layer, then a mountain layer, then a back ground tree layer then a foreground tree layer and then the spaceship layer and then the backwash layer from the space ship.
The clean art template was on top and the shaded art template was on the bottom.
Of course there is another technique you can use... but we won't go into that right now.

Once you've gotten all the borders *ie the areas of specific colors you wish to colored * traced out, create a new layer (in normal mode) above the borders layer to color on .
Why do this, you ask?  Because if you screw up you will not have painted over your originals.  Now, fill in the areas with the paintbucket (remember to select sample merged for the paintbucket or it will ignore the borders that are on other layers). Usually I use tolerance 80-100 to make sure it colors the area fully but lower tolerances are required for lighter borders.

Go back one space ... :) 

Coloring finished

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